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Happy Birthday To Intelligence Led Care and The NHS !


Updated: Jul 4, 2023

So in the week where the NHS turns 75 ! I've taken the leap and started quite a few new things. What was I thinking ? Heaven only knows and might I be able to chalk this up to a naive optimism? possibly.... I hope.

One thing I do know is 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take !' So here goes Day 1 and you cant have any milestones without a Day 1 can you ? Even the NHS had to have a Day 1.

Founded in 1948, the NHS is one of the oldest and largest healthcare organization in the world ! Try saying that to anyone else and you might get a stark response that would make you wish you hadn't mentioned it that way at all. Yet this 'ol gal has been a resilient companion, enabler and elevator of the health and wellbeing of millions. This year we celebrate her milestone Platinum Birthday !

From inception, the NHS through the years has passed through many evolutions and revolutions that has affected it positively over the years. Trundling through changes in policy and organization , with clinicians as people at the centre of its beating heart, albeit with a palpitation and a murmur here and there to keep us on our toes , or even rise us to rally !

Increased demand has always facilitated increased roles to meet the needs of our communities. Pharmacists and other Allied Health Professionals now play crucial roles in patient care at a huge scale, ever collaborating , ever trying to break socio-economic barriers in a consistent, evidence based and intelligence led manner.

Make no mistake though, this Grand Gran isn't short of a few tricks up her sleeve. Shes been looking at tech ever since the 50s , building digital and artificial intelligence into key capability, systems and capacity pillars to shore up the rafters.There may be views out there that possibly cant quite be divulged in polite company regarding the intelligence levels of certain bits of the NHS, but wouldn't one say that variety is the spice of life? Of course, not all spices totally agree with all tracts , some with marvellous phonic, sonic , biochemical and thermal vibrancies which can test all known rules of quantum physics too, for good and bad.

Love it or lump it. The ageing process has not been kind , to the organisation or to any of us, but we are in it together and goodness gracious us ! we have done some marvellous stuff demonstrating superhero prowess when we come together to collaborate, innovate and care .

This year hopefully you get a chance to have a massive slice of cake and toot your party horns with pride for our NHS. Birthday 76 might be the Halley's Comet event, so keep an eye to the skies and enjoy.

I know Ill be waiting and hopefully will be around for this Blogs 1st Birthday and reflections on all the shenanigans of the year with some super awesome friends, mentors, collaborations, projects and teams.

A space to be watched as we build a knowledge community to empower healthcare for all !


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